
Attendance at Ceremony

An applicant for naturalization must appear at a Naturalization Oath Ceremony to be sworn in as an American Citizen. Page 1 of Form N-455 states the date, place, and time for the ceremony. If the applicant is not able to attend this ceremony, the applicant must inform USCIS why attendance is not possible.


시민권 마지막 단계인 시민권 선서식에 반드시 참석해야함. (N-445에 장소,시간등이 명시되어 있다.)

만일 N-445에 명시된 시간에 참석이 어려우면 반드시 그 사유를 사전에 통보해서 다시 일정을 받아야 한다.


Questionnaire on Page Two of N-455

Page 2 of N-455 contains a list of eight specific questions that require a "yes" or "no" answer. These questions seem at first glace to be for statistical purposes, but in fact they are provided as the final USCIS examination of the applicant's eligability for naturalization. The eight questions are to be answered on the day of the ceremony and submitted to an USCIS officer immediately prior to the ceremony. The officer will review the answers and make a final determination on eligibility. The applicant is required to sign page 2 of N-455 certifying the answers are true and correct.


The answers provided on page 2 relate to the time period between the naturalization interview and the oath ceremony. If "yes" is the answer to any of the questions, it is necessary to submit to USCIS information that provides details to the events. The failure to answer "yes" when such an event has happened can itself be later determined to be an act of bad moral character. It can result in the cancelation of the Certificate of Naturalization and further revocation of Citizenship. The person could also face criminal prosecution and deportation.


In the end, the adage honesty is the best policy should be followed. Remember to bring to the Naturalization Oath Ceremony all of the documents listed on page 1 of Form N-455 including your permanent residency card (green card), reentry permit or refugee travel document, and any other requested immigration documents. Also, if any of your children are included in the N-400, they have to be present at the Naturalization Oath Ceremony.


또 중요한 것은 N-445 뒷페이지에 있는 질문에 Yes/No로 대답해야 한다.

( * N-445를 작성하는 것은 시민권 인터뷰 이후 선서식 당일 까지에 발생된 일들을 기록하는 것.)

만일, Yes로 표기가 될 경우는 자세한 내용을 증빙서류등과 함께 당리 설명을 해야 한다.

이 과정은 형식적인 것 같지만 중요한 마지막 인터뷰이다.

거짓말 해서도 안되고 은페 해서도 안되며, 만일 거짓임이 들어 나면 시민권 취소 또는 형사처벌, 추방까지도 이어질 수 있다.

N-445는 미리 작성하는 것이 아니고 선서식에 도착해서 작성하는 것이 맞다.