
Articles about Careers

HR Disciplines Examples of a hostile work environment

HR Consultant 2011.12.28 23:06 Views : 887

Examples of a hostile work environment include but not limited to the following


§  Sending dirty email jokes

§  Giving massage

§  Bear hug

§  Playboy pin-ups or other distribution or display of written or graphic materials (e-mails, posters, pictures or videos on cell phone or computer of a sexual nature)

§  Giving a suggestive gift

§  Idle chatter of a sexual nature and graphic sexual descriptions  

§  Sexual slurs or sexual innuendos.

§  Sexually provocative comments about a person’s clothing, body, and /or sexual activities, sexual or risqué’ jokes or “kidding” about sex or sex-specific traits.

§  Sexual teasing.

§  Suggestive sounds such as cat calling, whistling, or kissing sounds.

§  Comments or questions about the sexual relationship of a person.

§  Mimicking of a sexual nature about the way a person walks, talks or sits

§  Unsolicited propositions for dates or sexual contact.

§  Sexual gestures.