
CINCINNATI, Ohio — Thousands attended the funeral for a Korean War Veteran whose family was unable to attend after an  Ohio cemetery asked citizens to help lay him to rest the day before.


On Friday, Spring Grove Funeral Home in Cincinnati asked the community to attend 90-year-old Hezekiah Perkins' funeral and help honor his life.


Perkins prearranged and prepaid for his burial over 20 years ago, however all of his family is out of town and was unable to attend.


He was laid to rest  Saturday at 3 p.m and, according to the cemetery, thousands of people were in attendance.


"Thank you to the thousands of patriotic citizens who came to pay tribute to Veteran Perkins today," Spring Grove Cemetery said on Facebook. "We are humbled by the turnout and so very proud of our Spring Grove Family and especially our community."


Per the request of his family, Perkins was buried with military honors.  The funeral director, Lynay Straughn, received the American flag on behalf of the family. The flag will be delivered to Veteran Perkins’ family.


The funeral home thanks everyone, including staff and citizens, for attending the service and going above and beyond to make Perkins' memorial special.


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