In this tutorial on iOS Development, we are looking at UIPageViewController and UIPageControl which are very often used to create tutorial screens inside of applications. This practice is common, yet fairly poorly documented by Apple using Swift and Objective-C. I’ll be walking you through a full storyboard implementation of the UIPageViewController as well as three distinct UIViewControllers which it will be scrolling through. I’ll aalso show you how to properly implement the protocols associated with this controller.
No. | Subject | Author | Date | Views |
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» | iOS Dev. #3 - UIPageViewController & UIPageControl Tutorial in Storyboard Swift 3.0 Xcode 8 | admin | 2017.06.09 | 126 |
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1 | iOS Dev. #3 - UIPageViewController & UIPageControl Tutorial in Storyboard Swift 3.0 Xcode 8 | admin | 2017.05.11 | 932 |