


Admin 2013.03.06 19:07 Views : 1326

Red: symbolizes blood atonement; sacrifice of Christ's blood;covenant of grace; cleansing justification; sin, atonement;war; the wrath of God; judgement; death; love; life;the earth; redemption; sacrifice; consuming fire; the person of Jesus;the cross; refers to flesh. Isaiah: 1:18, Hebrew 9:14.

Red con not be formulated by mixing any other color together. The Hebrew word "OUDEM" means "red clay". It is the root word from the name Adam, Esau, and Edom; all speak of flesh.

Burgundy: The Red earth;selfish;Covetous sin, copper and gold, washing by the word, righteousness, right standing.

Rose Pink: Messiah, glory, Rose of Sharon, the Father's heavenly care over the Lillies of the Field-His children,

Jesus loves me-this I know! Symboizes right relationships, heart of flesh, intimacy, child-like faith (Romans 3:25;

Rev. 19:8; Ez. 11:19; 1 Peter 5:5-6; Song 1:2; Matt. 18: 3-5.

Fuschia: Joy, right relationships, compassion, heart of flesh, passionfor Jesus, the

Bridegroom's heart, koinonea.

Plum: Richness, abundance, infillng of the Holy Spirit

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