


Green: Praise, eternal life, vigor, prosperity, mercy, restoration, health, healing, new beginning, freshness, God's holy seed, harvest, sowing and reaping, immortality, fresh oil, new life, joy in hope. Rom 12:12; Ps. 23:2; Gen. 1:30; Lk. 23:31; Rev. 22:2; Ps. 92:14.



Blue speaks to us of the eternal presence of YAHWEH. The color of God's chosen nation, the people of Israel, blue dating back to the time of David. We also note in Ezek. 1:26, that the restored throne of David which will rule supreme in all the earth, being God's throne, is spoken of as sapphire, which is blue. Blue also speaks of healing. Matt. 9:21 M. Stewart

Blue: Symbolizes the heavenly realm; prayer; priesthood; authority; revealed God; grace; divinity; Holy Spirit; overcomer; revelation knowledge; the Truth; the Word of God; the Word; Messiah.

Light blue: Heaven, Heavenly Ezek. :26

Turquoise (is a bluish-green): River of God, sanctification, healing, life-givin flow of the Holy Spirit, the New Jerusalem.


Purple: Symbolizes Jesus' royalty; believer's royalty; majesty; wealth; power; penitence; the name of God; kingdom authority; dominion, son-ship; the promises of God; inheritance; mediator; inheritance; priesthood. Revelations 5:10, "And has made us unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth."


Rainbow: Symbolizes God's promises (Rev. 4:3) Covenant (Gen 9:13 and 16).

Noah looking at the rainbow saw seven steps (the number of spiritual perfection), beginning with flesh, going through trial, being guided by the Word of God, bringing forth immortality and priesthood; thus fulfilling Rev. 5:10, "and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." This is further emphasized in Ezekiel's glorious vision of the Cherubim, the immortalized host of God, as outlined in his first chapter. (colors of the rainbow)--Antipas, M. Stewart.


White: Symbolizes Creator; righteousness acquired through blood of Christ; Bride's garment; salvation; surrender; holiness, saints; angels, peace; triumph; victory; glory; joy; light. Rev. 4:4, 6:2
Iridescent: Fruit of the Spirit (Rev. 4:3) Overcomer, Rainbow Promise, Precious Stones Rev. 21:7; Rev. 4:3; 2: 11:19.
Clear, Transparent: Water Baptism, Wind, Holy Spirit, Born Again, Matt 3:11; John. 3:3; 5:7 Iridescent Crystal: Cleansing Work of the Holy Spirit, blessings of God, sanctification, the Bride of Christ, Truth.
Black: Righteous Judgement; Death; Death of old self; Famine; Mourning; Evil; Humiliation; Affliction; Calamity Primordial color of creation; Sign of humiliation. Lam. 4:8, Rev. 6:5, Jer. 8:21.
Color black in Scripture: And I looked and behold a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand (rev 6:5). Their appearance is blacker than soot, they are not recognized in the streets; their skin is shriveled on their bones, it has become like wood (lamentations 4:8).
Black symbolizes death, punishment, famine, sin, affliction, death, repentance, bondage (John 3:19-20).


Silver: Symbolizes paid price for redemption; price of a soul; Word of God; strength; Spirit; Revelation; Grace; The Word of God; divinity; wisdom; purity; strengthened faith (Matt. 27: 3-8)

Cream: healing.

Brazen: Christ the Healer

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