

An Arizona independent film studio has donated $25,000 to help replace the recently destroyed Ten Commandments tribute monument on the Arkansas state capitol grounds.

Pure Flix, an independent faith and family entertainment studio based in Phoenix, gave the contribution to the American History and Heritage Foundation at the Arkansas State capitol on July 6.

“We hope our donation will contribute to the costs to rebuild this beautiful landmark,” Pure Flix CEO Steve Fedyski said in a statement.

The controversial monument was erected on June 27, but less than 24 hours later was toppled when Michael Tate Reed II of Van Buren, Arkansas drove his car into the base of the monument, shouting “Freedom!” at the moment of impact.

Reed, 32, has been released on a $100,000 bond, and has a court date set for September 7. He faced preliminary charges of defacing objects of public interest, criminal trespass and first-degree criminal mischief, according to The Associated Press.

The Ten Commandments Monuments Display Act was passed in 2015 after years of debate. The Act defines the Ten Commandments as "an important component of the moral foundation of the laws and legal system of the United States of America and of the State of Arkansas."

Supporters of the monument argue that it is important for historical purposes, while detractors, such as the Arkansas ACLU, said while they disapprove of any illegal destruction to the monument, displaying it is still unconstitutional.

Pure Flix produces, distributes and markets Christian and family entertainment. The studio produced the 2014 surprise box office hit “God's Not Dead.”

Personnel from the Secretary of States office inspect the damage to the new Ten Commandments monument outside the state Capitol in Little Rock, Ark., Wednesday morning, June 28, 2017, after someone crashed into it with a vehicle, less than 24 hours

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