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Potential Dangers of Wearing Toning Shoes

Gwe 2012.06.13 07:17 Views : 3441

With claims of toned muscles, better posture and overall improved health, toning shoes have become one of the fastest growing markets within the athletic shoe industry. Despite toning shoes rise in popularity with consumers, there is growing concern within the medical community of the potential dangers of wearing a toning shoe. A study conducted by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), found no evidence to suggest toning shoes help wearers improve muscle tone or burn more calories. Instead, ACE’s study raised concerns about potential risks to users, especially for consumers who have pre-existing balance or alignment issues. Some of the potential dangers of wearing toning shoes, include:

Fall-related injuries

The unstable sole surface, which toning shoe manufacturers say is similar to walking on a wobble board, creates instability. Manufacturers claim the purpose of an unstable surface is to force the wearer’s muscles to work harder. However, even the simplest movement, such as stepping down from a platform or jumping out of the way, requires stability of the foot and leg. If the surface is already unstable, the risk of falling or tripping increases. Reports of falls while wearing a toning shoe have been numerous. Hitting the ground or a stationary object can result in serious injury, such as head injuries, broken bone injuries, neck injuries, back injuries, spinal injuries, lacerations, bruises, joint injuries, dislocations, and sprains and strains.

Distorted gait and alignment issues

Even manufacturers agree toning shoes change the way a person walks. Anytime you alter an individual’s gait mechanics, you can alter the normal function of the foot and all related joints, ligaments and muscles. Users can experience severe pain, stress fractures, chronic tendonitis, dislocations, fallen arches and joint injuries from wearing a toning shoe. Individuals who have existing alignment problems can worsen their condition and cause additional injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury while wearing a toning shoe, contact a dangerous product attorney at the law firm of Estey Bomberger. We can help you understand your legal rights and explain what legal path is best suited for you. There is no obligation and you will not be charged any fee. Even if you decide to pursue another legal path, we can help you. Contact our firm today.

How a Toning Shoe Attorney at Estey Bomberger Can Help

The toning shoe injury attorneys at Estey Bomberger can offer clients unparalleled legal representation. Upon hiring, we will:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation
  • Preserve evidence before it is lost
  • Investigate all sources of financial compensation
  • Handle negotiations with insurance companies and defense counsels
  • Ensure all paperwork is filed on time
  • Help establish negligence on the part of the manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor
  • Obtain monetary compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering
  • Employ experts in medicine, vocation and life planning.
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