
[Health Section]

This Section is created to help anybody who is interested in health to obtain and share information.  We are constantly updating new information and looking for various ways to improve the site in order to accommodate your needs.  Your feedback and suggestions are very valuable.  Please visit us often to see what has changed. 


The average American spends 6 to 9 hours every day staring at some type of computer screen, whether it's a tablet, a laptop, or a smartphone. And we're guessing you do, too.

If so, you may join the ranks of the nearly 70% of adults who suffer from "digital eye strain" -- a progressive condition that could eventually lead to serious eye diseases, concludes a new report from The Vision Council, a nonprofit organization that supports the optical industry.

Digital eye strain is an escalating health issue. Your eyes aren't made to stare at a fixed point for hours and hours on end, especially one that emits high-energy visible light, a.k.a., artificial "blue light."

Overexposure to this type of light -- and the fatigue of focusing on the same middle-distant point for a third or more of your day -- can strain your eyes and cause dryness or redness, blurred vision, "tired" eyes, headaches, and back or shoulder aches in the short term, the report authors say.


No. Subject Date Views
40 100% 잡곡밥이 흰 쌀밥만 못하다 2014.03.05 2857
39 물처럼 마시는 차가 독이 된다! 2014.03.05 2365
38 심장 쪽에 통증이 느껴 집니다 [2] 2014.03.05 2390
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36 토마토의 효능 2014.03.05 2571
35 말기 암 환자도 살리는 꿀의 효능! 2014.03.05 2780
34 '풍치' 아파서 가면 늦어...검진만 잘 받아도 예방 2014.03.03 2256
33 가애란의 알약톡톡2 : 이유없이 소화가 안된다...혹시 '췌장암'일수도? 2014.03.03 2661
32 갱년기 여성에게 좋은 음식 2014.03.01 1905
31 과음 중년 기억력·판단력 저하...뇌 손상 피해야 2014.02.28 2221
30 심장병-정 현초 박사 2014.02.21 3732
29 알츠하이머"(痴=치매)~ 2014.02.18 2101
28 나이보다 10년 어려 보이게 만드는 생활습관들 2014.02.14 1930
27 건강 보조식품의 중요성- 정 현초박사 2014.02.12 2032
26 요로감염(Urinary Tract Infection) 뿌리 뽑기- 정 현초박사 2014.02.12 2114
25 Cold Versus Flu 2014.01.28 1798
24 날씬한 혈관을 만드는 혈관 다이어트 7∙7∙7습관 2014.01.26 1946
» The average American spends 6 to 9 hours every day staring at some type of computer screen 2014.01.18 1943
22 정현초 박사-골다공증 이기기 2014.01.11 1844
21 3.변비의 고민풀기- 정현초 박사 2014.01.11 2029
20 우울증이란? 2014.01.10 1633
19 늙고 싶지 않을 때… 노화인자 6가지 해결 솔루션-건강코너(정현초박사) 2014.01.09 3163
18 (정현초박사) 저혈당증에 대처하는 천연요법 총공개- 2014.01.05 1888
17 냄새나는 김치통은 가라! 김치통 냄새 제거 비법! (살림의 신 7회) 2013.12.29 2135
16 풍진이란? 2013.12.29 3893
15 암 확률 "국민 3명 중 1명"...우리는 어떤 암에 걸리나? 2013.12.26 1928
14 배추 된장국 2012.11.20 4053
13 The DTR (Defining the Relationship) 2012.11.13 4060
12 탈모, 왜 생길까? 2012.10.20 3629
11 Keep Infants Out of Sun and Heat, Experts 2012.07.20 4126