
[New Tech Trend - Ubiquitos & Internet of Things]

We have to understand these two words for getting better life in future.

According to every credible source we can find, there are almost 3 billion people connected to the public internet right now; by 2020 the number will approach 4 billion. According to Cisco, by 2020 there will be over 50 billion connected devices in the world. Some people like to call it the "Internet of Things," others call it "Machine 2 Machine" or "M2M." No matter what you call it, these are unimaginably large numbers of people and devices all connected.


타임 선정 미래 '5대 유망직종'

2015.01.15 20:59 Views : 208


타임지가 7년내에 발전가능성이 높은 유망직업 5개을 공개했습니다. 한번 살펴 보겠습니다.

가장 먼저 꼽은 것. 방사능 의료기술자 입니다. CT, MRI등의 장비를 다루는 전문가 입니다. 미국내 평균연봉 우리돈 7600만 원 수준입니다. 2020년까지 20%이상 성장이 예상됩니다.

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