
[New Tech Trend - Ubiquitos & Internet of Things]

We have to understand these two words for getting better life in future.

According to every credible source we can find, there are almost 3 billion people connected to the public internet right now; by 2020 the number will approach 4 billion. According to Cisco, by 2020 there will be over 50 billion connected devices in the world. Some people like to call it the "Internet of Things," others call it "Machine 2 Machine" or "M2M." No matter what you call it, these are unimaginably large numbers of people and devices all connected.


What is CEIC (Computer and Enterprise Investigations Conference)?

The black hats are working 24/7/365 and many are far better funded than the organizations they seek to attack. Defending your organization’s data and reputation require the acquisition of a next-level skillset, and there’s no better conference for learning those bleeding-edge cyber defense skills than CEIC®, the world’s largest conference for intensive security, legal, and digital investigations skills-building.