
[New Tech Trend - Ubiquitos & Internet of Things]

We have to understand these two words for getting better life in future.

According to every credible source we can find, there are almost 3 billion people connected to the public internet right now; by 2020 the number will approach 4 billion. According to Cisco, by 2020 there will be over 50 billion connected devices in the world. Some people like to call it the "Internet of Things," others call it "Machine 2 Machine" or "M2M." No matter what you call it, these are unimaginably large numbers of people and devices all connected.


삼성의 기술이 생명을 살린다.

2015.06.24 06:48 Views : 326

편도 1차선 좁은 도로를 달릴때 앞에 큰 카고트럭이 가면 반대 차선으로 오는 차량조차 보이지 않아서 추월하기도 쉽지 않은데

삼성의 기술로 트럭 뒷면에 반대차선의 도로 상황이 보이도록 화면을 만들었답니다.

시범적용해보고 있는데 평판이 좋네요

역시 삼성이 한국의 명예를 높히고 있어요.

뉴스 펌 -

Samsung wants to leverage its technological expertise to make the roads a safer place.

It's a situation most drivers have experienced plenty of times: You're driving down a two-lane highway, stuck behind a slow-moving semi truck and unsure if it's safe to drive in the opposite lane to pass the vehicle.

A prototype truck designed by Samsung shows how the South Korean electronics company hopes to leverage technology to make the oversize vehicles seemingly transparent.

A front-facing camera with night vision capability projects what the semi driver is seeing in front of them. The live video images is then projected onto the back of the truck, showing drivers behind the semi when it is or is not safe for them to pass.

"This allows drivers to have a better view when deciding whether it is safe to overtake. Another advantage of the Safety Truck is that it may reduce the risk of accidents caused by sudden braking or animals crossing the road," a recent Samsung Tomorrow blog post said.