

Real Estate Law 90

2019.05.16 15:25 Views : 154

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. Which additional discriminatory classes does the California Fair Employment and Housing Act include that the Federal Fair Housing Act does not?

    Marital status, ancestry, sexual orientation, and source of income

    Note - the FEHA clarifies that the protected class of “sex” includes gender identity.
  2. Describe the Unruh Act.

    The Unruh Civil Rights Act of 1959 provides protection from discrimination by all business establishments in California, including housing and public accommodations.
  3. What remedies does the Department of Fair Employment and Housing provide to victims of fair housing discrimination?
    • Injunctions requiring the sale or rental of the housing
    • Actual or punitive damages (no limits)
    • Civil penalties up to $50,000
  4. What does the Holden Act prohibit?

    The Holden Act prohibits financial institutions from discriminating in loan activities on the basis of race, color, religion, marital status, national origin, ancestry, or sex.
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