
Joseph R. Biden ?

2021.07.23 16:09 Views : 113

The man who calls himself president, Joseph R. Biden, has never set foot in the real White House, Real Raw News can now report. Immediately following the results of the 2020 presidential election, the U.S. military assumed provisional control of the White House amid concerns that Biden and his Deep State allies had indeed stolen the election.

On election night, as President Donald J. Trump’s commanding lead over Biden seemed to magically evaporate, the U.S. military was already investigating reports of collusion between the Biden campaign and the Chinese-sponsored hacking group Nakion, which is surreptitiously funded by the PLA. The shadowy cyberwarfare group has a history of interfering in foreign elections and is a principal player in the PLA’s cyberwar with Taiwan.

The military has evidence proving that the Biden campaign not only had knowledge of but also encouraged Nakion’s intrusion into Dominion voting machines. Dominion provided election equipment and software to 28 states, including battleground states where Trump’s imperious advantage shifted in favor of Biden during the wee hours of the morning.

While America slept, the military watched.

On November 4, at 5:00 a.m., Trump received a telephone call from Joint Chiefs of Staff member Marine Corps General David H. Berger, who revealed that Chinese saboteurs had penetrated Dominion voting machines in at least 6 states. Gen. Berger told Trump the military had failed to thwart the attack because “someone on the inside” fought its efforts to regain control of voting software. When Trump asked Berger to consult Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley, Berger reportedly said, “Mr. President, I don’t think we can trust him. I suggest you immediately sign the Insurrection Act.”

The Insurrection Act of 1807, when enacted, supersedes the Posse Comitatus Act, the latter of which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States.

Three days after the election, as fraudulent votes were still being tallied, Gen. Berger told Trump he’d do everything possible to prevent Biden’s installation as president. But on day 4 almost every media outlet, most of congress, and the liberal elite endorsed Biden as the victor.

Despite his illegitimate victory, Biden met an unwelcome surprise when he arrived at the White House on January 20. Instead of getting a ceremonial greeting, he and Kamala Harris were stopped by National Guard and U.S. Marines at the barbwire fence encircling the White House. The Marines informed them that the military had assumed control of the Executive Branch and instructed them to vacate the area. When Harris belligerently said, “Move aside, we’re president now, the Marines locked the gate.

Although most military supported Trump, Biden had his allies—the intelligence agencies, the Secret Service, and dissident elements of the U.S. Military, including a few high-ranking generals and admirals.

RRN heard but cannot confirm a report of a brief firefight that occurred after Kamala Harris had ordered the Secret Service to storm the White House. According to the report, two Secret Service agents were killed and one Marine was seriously injured before Biden’s forces were repelled from the grounds.

To avoid shame and maintain an illusion of power, Biden’s people concocted a rouse, supported by his media allies, to deceive the American public into believing he had won a fair election and had moved into the White House on schedule.

Inside Actor/Producer Tyler Perry’s 300-acre Atlanta estate sits a three-story stucco replica of the commander-in-chief’s residence, which he originally built as a set piece for a television show. Perry, a Democrat who endorsed Biden and funneled millions of dollars into his campaign, allowed Biden to use the faux White House as an operating base. Although the replicant White House is built to 80% scale, on television and in images it’s indistinguishable from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Biden and Harris have been using the facsimile to feign leadership and impose despotic rule on the nation. It is from there that Biden’s criminal press secretary, Jen Psaki, delivers daily press briefings, and Biden hosts foreign dignitaries. Alas, the whole of the mainstream media, including Fox News, abides this fiction perpetrated on the American public.

Meanwhile, the real White House has been dark, guarded by our nation’s finest. Stalwart observers and even Trump’s allies have proven the White House is empty. In May, Trump ally and attorney Lynn Wood penetrated the veil of secrecy by sneaking inside the White House to prove that neither Biden nor any member of the presidential staff dwelt within. Instead, Trump’s photographs still adorned the West Wing, and papers bearing his signature still sat on the Resolute Desk.

RRN has heard from sources both in the military and within Trump’s inner circle, all of whom claim the White House is being preserved for its proper occupant, Donald J. Trump, whose return to authority is imminent.

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