
Articles about Careers

Interview를 하실때 흔히 범하기 쉬운 실수들입니다.

참고하시어, 알차고 보람된 시간들 보내시고, 정말 딱 맞는 보배를 찾으시는 과정이 되시기를 바랍니다.


The following are mistakes commonly made by inexperienced interviewers.
1. Failing to Probe for Depth:

Interview를 하다보면, 내가 던진 질문에 상대방이 구체적인 답변을 하지않고, 일반적이거나 애매모호하게 얼버무리며 넘어갈 때 그냥 그대로 넘기기가 쉽습니다만, 이 때에는 더 구체적으로 물어야 합니다.  즉, "Could you explain what you meant by that?" or "Tell me in more specific terms." 라고 하셔야 합니다.
Many interviewers accept general or vague responses to their questions rather than ask for
further clarification. When you feel a question has not been answered thoroughly, follow up.
For example, "Could you explain what you meant by that?" or "Tell me in more specific terms."

2. Using Leading, Multiple, or Loaded Questions:

유도질문이나 혹은 너무 복합적인 질문들은 Interview에 성공하기 어렵습니다. 그리고 Candidate의 진실되고 솔직한 답변을 기대할수가 없기 때문입니다. 또 이러한 질문들은 제대로 정보를 제공하기도 어려울뿐더러 서로간에 감정만 상하게 할 수 있습니다.

 Leading questions will prompt the candidate. You lose the ability to get original and honest
answers from candidates with leading questions.
Asking multiple questions is usually unsuccessful. By the time the candidate has answered the
first two questions, the candidate and the interviewer may have forgotten the rest of the
Finally, loaded questions only increase the level of stress in an already stressful situation. A
loaded question that offers no right answer, only two wrong answers, will not provide the
interviewer with valuable information and may upset the rapport between the candidate and
3. Coaching:

Interview를 하면서 잘 캐어내어 가야 일의 성격이나 자격조건들을 미리 먼저 이야기하는 경우입니다. 이런경우, 눈치가 싼 Candidate들은 원하는 대답을 만들어 낼수 있기 때문입니다.
One very common mistake is telling the candidate about the job and its requirements before you
ask all your planned questions. This information can influence the candidate's answers.
Although coaching is a significant problem with many interviewers, it is necessary that the
essential functions of a position be communicated to candidates. To protect against candidates
who are merely telling you what you want to hear, ask candidates why they feel they will be able
to successfully perform such functions. Alternatively, all candidates may be asked to describe or
demonstrate how they would perform essential job functions.

4. Dominating the Interview:

Interview를 하는 사람이 너무 많이 이야기를 하는 경우입니다. 대략 Interview를 하는 사람의 경우 20% 정도의 시간을 할애하면서 질문들을 lead해 가면서, candidate들이 진실되게 잘 이야기 할 수 있는 여건들을 만들어 주는것입니다.
You will learn very little about the candidate if you do all the talking. Your role is to lead the
discussion and encourage the candidate to do most of the talking. A good rule of thumb is that
the candidate should be talking about 80 percent of the time and the interviewer should be
talking about 20 percent of the time.
Avoid trying to fill in silences during the interview. It is important to allow applicants time to think
about what they are going to say, what has been said, and to reflect.

5. Stereotyping the Candidate:

전형적인 type을 만들어 놓고, 그 그림에 맞는 사람을 찾는 경우입니다. 따라서 모든 candidate들에게 좀더 open mind를 갖고 객관적으로 질문들을 던져 가는 것이 바람직합니다.
It is important as an interviewer not to find yourself stereotyping the job candidates. Remember
that the candidate who fits "your picture" may not be the best candidate for the job. Therefore, it
is essential to remain objective throughout the entire interview process.

** 상기 내용은 무단 복제를 금합니다.

** 상기 내용에 따른 모든 Liability 본인에게 있음을 알려드립니다.

** 추가 질문이 있는 경우에는 아래에 댓들을 달아주시면 회신드리겠습니다.


No. Subject Date Views
131 FMLA - Employee Responsibilities 2012.01.15 1170
130 FMLA - Definition of Serious Health Condition 2012.01.15 518
129 FMLA - Eligibility Requirements 2012.01.15 411
128 FMLA - Eligibility Requirements 2012.01.15 1161
127 FMLA - Benefits and Protections 2012.01.15 370
126 FMLA - Benefits and Protections 2012.01.15 1179
125 FMLA - Military Family Leave Entitlements 2012.01.15 362
124 FMLA - Military Family Leave Entitlements 2012.01.15 1136
123 FMLA - Basic Leave Entitlement 2012.01.15 340
122 FMLA - Basic Leave Entitlement 2012.01.15 1243
121 What is FMLA? 2012.01.15 344
120 What is FMLA? 2012.01.15 1175
119 HR - 아무리해도 강조해도 지나치지 않는것!! 2012.01.08 422
118 EPL Insurances - How to prevent employee lawsuits? 2012.01.08 461
117 Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) 2012.01.08 732
116 Directors and Officers Liability Insurance (often called D&O) 2012.01.08 534
115 Employee Benefit Liability Insurance 2012.01.08 458
114 401K - Fidelity Bonds 2012.01.08 452
113 What is Fiduciary Liability Insurance? 2012.01.08 427
112 Misclassification-15 Billion in 2001 - IRS now coming to collect - 안전하신가요? 2012.01.05 375
111 Misclassification-15 Billion in 2001 - IRS now coming to collect - 안전하신가요? 2012.01.05 974
110 Federal Jury Awards $105K in EEOC Sexual Harassment Case Against Racine IHOP (Restaurant) 2012.01.03 365
109 Federal Jury Awards $105K in EEOC Sexual Harassment Case Against Racine IHOP (Restaurant) 2012.01.03 1103
108 Best Practices for Limiting Employer Liability (가장중요한 대책들입니다.) 2012.01.02 408
107 Best Practices for Limiting Employer Liability (가장중요한 대책들입니다.) 2012.01.02 615
106 Investigation Interview Protocol for Employee Interview 2011.12.31 455
105 Investigation Interview Protocol for Employee Interview 2011.12.31 573
104 Sexual Harassment- Key Elements of Investigation Procedures 2011.12.31 489
103 Sexual Harassment- Key Elements of Investigation Procedures 2011.12.31 896
102 Sexual Harassment- Key Elements of Investigation Procedures 2011.12.31 613
101 Sexual Harassment- Complaint Procedures 2011.12.31 392
100 Sexual Harassment- Complaint Procedures 2011.12.31 949
99 Sexual Harassment- Complaint Procedures 2011.12.31 615
98 Liability and Relationships - Office Relationships-Supervisors & Subordinates 2011.12.28 524
97 Liability and Relationships - Office Relationships-Supervisors & Subordinates 2011.12.28 602
96 Examples of a hostile work environment 2011.12.28 406
95 Examples of a hostile work environment 2011.12.28 887
94 Examples of Conduct that May be Unlawful 2011.12.28 368
93 Examples of Conduct that May be Unlawful 2011.12.28 607
92 Sexual Harassment Charges-EEOC & FEPAs Combined: FY 1997 - FY 2010 2011.12.27 528
91 What is Protected Class? 2011.12.27 384
90 What is Protected Class? 2011.12.27 751
89 Types of Sexual Harassment - Quid Pro Quo/ Hostile Work environment 2011.12.27 505
88 Types of Sexual Harassment - Quid Pro Quo/ Hostile Work environment 2011.12.27 677
87 EEOC’s Definition of Sexual Harassment 2011.12.27 622
86 EEOC’s Definition of Sexual Harassment 2011.12.27 734
85 Sexual Harassment - What is the big deal? 2011.12.26 727
84 Interview Question-Candidates should not be asked - 인터뷰시 하면 안되는 질문들!! 2011.12.26 641
83 Interview Question-Candidates may be asked - 인터뷰시 물어봐도 되는 질문들 2011.12.26 650
82 Hiring Interview할때 범하기 쉬운 5가지 실수 2011.12.26 658