
Articles about Careers

What Can I Do If My Employer Doesn't Pay Me My Overtime Wages?

You can either file a wage claim with the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (the Labor Commissioner's Office), or you can file a lawsuit in court against your employer in to recover the lost wages. Additionally, if you no longer work for this employer, you can make a claim for the waiting time penalty pursuant to Labor Code Section 203.


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No. Subject Date Views
231 How to Calculate Employee Turnover? 2012.11.30 1182
230 OT에 관하여 2012.11.19 1204
229 FICA's Bite: Wages Subject to Social Security Tax to Increase in 2013: Taxable maximum earnings will rise to $113,700 from $110,100 2012.10.26 1176
228 Hire할 때, Terminate 시킬 때, LOA 때 반드시 갖추어야 할 HR 서류 List (CA) 2012.08.22 1418
227 Money: It’s Not All Employees Want 2012.08.09 1094
226 Age Discrimination 2012.08.04 1066
225 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I think my employer will retaliate against me if I file a wage claim for unpaid overtime. What can I do? 2012.07.07 653
224 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Can I file an overtime complaint against my current employer? 2012.07.07 722
223 California Overtime Violations FAQ - How much will a California Labor Law Attorney Cost? 2012.07.07 620
222 California Overtime Violations FAQ - How long does it take to get an Overtime Court Case? 2012.07.07 647
221 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Why do I need an attorney when I can just file an overtime claim with The California Labor Commission? 2012.07.07 651
» California Overtime Violations FAQ - What can I do if my employer doens't pay me my overtime wages? 2012.07.07 721
219 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Does travel time count as overtime? 2012.07.07 690
218 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I'm a truck driver. Does that mean I an exempt? 2012.07.07 684
217 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I supervise 2 people. Does that mean I fit into the Executive Exemption? 2012.07.07 679
216 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I work part time and am paid a monthly salary. Does that exclude me from overtime? 2012.07.07 775
215 California Overtime Violations FAQ - signed up a statement as exempt and supervisor told no overtime. Is that right? 2012.07.07 725
214 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I don't supervise anyone. How can I determine whether I have been misclassified as exempt? 2012.07.07 618
213 California Overtime Violations FAQ - what does exemption or being exempt mean? 2012.07.07 748
212 California Overtime Violations FAQ - how long does it take to get paid overtime? 2012.07.07 635
211 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Can my employer require me to work overtime? 2012.07.07 622
210 California Overtime Violations FAQ - what if work overtime without permission? 2012.07.07 684
209 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Alternate Work Week? 2012.07.07 650
208 California Overtime Violations FAQ - What is considered a "work week?" 2012.07.07 582
207 California Overtime Violations FAQ - California Overtime Violations FAQ 2012.07.07 672
206 U.S. offers tips on avoiding overtime pay 2012.07.07 603
205 4 Overtime Traps to Avoid 2012.07.07 854
204 Employers must post the employee notice 10 days before a statewide election - form attached 2012.07.07 614
203 Office Refrigerator Etiquette 2012.07.01 609
202 Email Etiquette and Protocol 2012.06.21 652
201 Meeting Protocol and Integrity 2012.06.04 634
200 Rest Break Compliance 2012.03.31 623
199 Business Expenses의 지급에 대한 알아두면 좋은 상식 2012.03.31 646
198 Wage - Time Clock Payment 에 관한 알아두면 좋은 상식 2012.03.31 635
196 Travel Time Policy - Good point about the PAY RATE during transiting time 2012.01.22 689
195 Travel Time Policy - good example 3 - League of Minessota Cities 2012.01.22 604
194 Travel Time Policy - good example 2 - may be good for your company too. 2012.01.22 794
193 Travel Time Policy - good example 1 - may be good for your company too. 2012.01.22 592
192 Travel Time Policy - 노동청의 규정은 어떻게 되어 있을까요? 2012.01.22 627
191 Travel Time Policy - 출장비를 어떻게 계산해서 지급해야 될까요? 2012.01.22 673
190 Best Practices for Limiting Employer Liability (가장중요한 대책들입니다.) 2012.01.02 635
189 Investigation Interview Protocol for Employee Interview 2011.12.31 587
188 Sexual Harassment- Key Elements of Investigation Procedures 2011.12.31 630
187 Sexual Harassment- Complaint Procedures 2011.12.31 630
186 Liability and Relationships - Office Relationships-Supervisors & Subordinates 2011.12.29 614
185 Examples of a hostile work environment 2011.12.29 905
184 Examples of Conduct that May be Unlawful 2011.12.28 619
183 What is Protected Class? 2011.12.27 773
182 Types of Sexual Harassment - Quid Pro Quo/ Hostile Work environment 2011.12.27 694