
Articles about Careers

FSA를 신청하시면, 아래와 같은 혜텍이 있습니다만, FICA Tax인 경우, 해마다 정부에서 특별 혜텍을 주고 있으므로

매해마다 실제적인 tax %는 달라질수 있습니다.


개인적인 입장에서는 여러가지 세금 혜택을 보기 때문에 병원비를 많이 지출하시는 분에게는 많은 도움이 됩니다.

또한 Employer 입장에서도 똑같은 FICA 세금을 면제 받을 뿐 아니라, Worker's comp Insurance premium도 waive가 되므로,

여러가지 유리한 점이 많이 있습니다만, Employee가 지정한 금액을 모두 사용하였는데, 그 작정한 금액을 매 Payroll마다

Deduct해야 하는데, 만약의 경우, 중간에 casuse로 Laid Off를 시켰을 경우에는, 회사에게 부담해야 하는 책임이 생길수도

있게 됩니다.


일단, 아래 Balance가 마이나스일 경우, 유의해서 보시기 바랍니다. Cobra라는 마지막 단계가 있어, 비록 그만 두더라도

Employee가 책임을  다해서 낼 가능성이 있으므로, 여러가지를 감안하셔서 Limit을 잘 정하는것이 좋겠습니다.


그리고 Childcare의 경우에는 $5,000까지 가능합니다. 이것은 연중 세금보고할 때의 1040보다 더 큰 금액이므로, 많은 혜택을 볼 수 있습니다.

Employer입장에서도 이 금액 만틈은 Employee들이 매달 쌓이는 만큼만 사용할 수 있으므로, 안정적으로 상호 혜택을 볼 수 있습니다.


Flexible Spending Account (FSA)

1) Deduct certain amount from each employee paycheck.

2) They can use this accrued amount by 3/15 next following year.

3) If any employee quit the company in the middle, if they have the balance:

** In case of positive balance: they can receive the COBRA document and they have no problem to use the balance.  If there is any left over balance as of 3/15 next following year, all funds will be back to the company.



** In case of negative balance: they can receive the COBRA document and they could keep continuing this deduction. But if they decline this benefit, then company has the liability to pay the balance.




Tax Deductible















All family members covered



others expenses too


Need to research more

After termination





Positive Balance


No problem to use it

Negative Balance







within Premier Package



without Premier Package



**Under 30 employees joined



**31~50 employees



**51~100 employees



** No of employees are example, the price is based on the no. of participating employees

No. Subject Date Views
81 Multi-Million Dollar Overtime Laws Class Action Has July Court Date 2012.07.07 1029
80 Wrongful Termination Lawsuits on the Rise 2012.07.07 824
79 Employers must post the employee notice 10 days before a statewide election - form attached 2012.07.07 599
78 Time off to Vote Notices - Employers must post the employee notice 10 days before a statewide election - form attached 2012.07.07 1735
77 4 Overtime Traps to Avoid 2012.07.07 832
76 U.S. offers tips on avoiding overtime pay 2012.07.07 581
75 California Overtime Violations FAQ - California Overtime Violations FAQ 2012.07.07 653
74 California Overtime Violations FAQ - What is considered a "work week?" 2012.07.07 564
73 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Alternate Work Week? 2012.07.07 621
72 California Overtime Violations FAQ - what if work overtime without permission? 2012.07.07 666
71 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Can my employer require me to work overtime? 2012.07.07 605
70 California Overtime Violations FAQ - how long does it take to get paid overtime? 2012.07.07 621
69 California Overtime Violations FAQ - what does exemption or being exempt mean? 2012.07.07 732
68 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I don't supervise anyone. How can I determine whether I have been misclassified as exempt? 2012.07.07 605
67 California Overtime Violations FAQ - signed up a statement as exempt and supervisor told no overtime. Is that right? 2012.07.07 706
66 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I work part time and am paid a monthly salary. Does that exclude me from overtime? 2012.07.07 762
65 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I supervise 2 people. Does that mean I fit into the Executive Exemption? 2012.07.07 666
64 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I'm a truck driver. Does that mean I an exempt? 2012.07.07 665
63 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Does travel time count as overtime? 2012.07.07 678
62 California Overtime Violations FAQ - What can I do if my employer doens't pay me my overtime wages? 2012.07.07 705
61 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Why do I need an attorney when I can just file an overtime claim with The California Labor Commission? 2012.07.07 640
60 California Overtime Violations FAQ - How long does it take to get an Overtime Court Case? 2012.07.07 638
59 California Overtime Violations FAQ - How much will a California Labor Law Attorney Cost? 2012.07.07 604
58 California Overtime Violations FAQ - Can I file an overtime complaint against my current employer? 2012.07.07 708
57 California Overtime Violations FAQ - I think my employer will retaliate against me if I file a wage claim for unpaid overtime. What can I do? 2012.07.07 640
56 Age Discrimination 2012.08.04 1036
55 Caldwell Freight Lines to Pay $120K to Settle EEOC Race Discrimination Lawsuit 2012.08.04 1240
54 Comfort Inn Oceanfront South Sued By EEOC for Religious Discrimination 2012.08.04 1420
53 Owner of 25 McDonald's Restaurants to Pay $1 Million in EEOC Sexual Harassment Suit 2012.08.04 1324
52 Notice Concerning The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Amendments Act of 2008 2012.08.04 1964
51 Money: It’s Not All Employees Want 2012.08.09 1071
50 Fremont Toyota Pays $400,000 to Settle EEOC's Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit -Press Release-08-07-12 2012.08.18 1448
49 Age Discrimination 2012.08.18 1739
48 Definition of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Right Act (CFRA) 2012.08.18 1584
47 Benefit to employee 2012.08.18 2086
45 FMLA 관련 중요한 날짜 계산 방식 2012.08.18 2485
44 Fremont Toyota Pays $400,000 to Settle EEOC's Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit - Allegation 2012.08.19 1459
43 Hire할 때, Terminate 시킬 때, LOA 때 반드시 갖추어야 할 HR 서류 List (CA) 2012.08.22 1387
42 Article : Love Contract 2012.10.22 1281
41 FICA's Bite: Wages Subject to Social Security Tax to Increase in 2013: Taxable maximum earnings will rise to $113,700 from $110,100 2012.10.26 1140
40 OT에 관하여 2012.11.19 1187
39 Reduced Wages - 몸이 아파서 제대로 일을 하지 못하였습니까? 2012.11.22 2372
38 How to Calculate Employee Turnover? 2012.11.30 1164
37 IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO 2012 FSA PARTICIPANTS - FSA를 가입하셨나요? 어떻게 2012를 마무리해야 할까요? 2012.11.30 1200
36 FSA - Allowable Medical Expenses - 어떤 비용들이 해당이 될까요? 2012.11.30 1380
35 10 ways to limit holiday party liquor liability 2012.12.04 1369
34 How to file a claim with the Bureau of Field Enforcement (BOFE) 2013.02.10 2196
33 AT&T Workers Claim Lunch Break Violations 2013.03.03 1461
32 No Such Thing as a Free Lunch: ConocoPhillips to pay $15.5 Million to Settle Meal Break Lawsuit 2013.03.03 1502