
[New Tech Trend - Ubiquitos & Internet of Things]

We have to understand these two words for getting better life in future.

According to every credible source we can find, there are almost 3 billion people connected to the public internet right now; by 2020 the number will approach 4 billion. According to Cisco, by 2020 there will be over 50 billion connected devices in the world. Some people like to call it the "Internet of Things," others call it "Machine 2 Machine" or "M2M." No matter what you call it, these are unimaginably large numbers of people and devices all connected.


기존 LTE보다 네 배 빠른 휴대전화 서비스를 세계 최초로 상용화했다, 한 이동통신사가 이렇게 광고를 하자, 경쟁사들이 허위 광고라며 반박하고 나섰습니다.
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