
HOW TO PLAY BASEBALL--<step 2> learning to throw

Admin 2010.10.17 22:56 Views : 2261

learning to throw

Well this will teach you how to throw a baseball.

First stretch a little bit. Then try to throw the baseball to your partner try not to throw it under hand or side arm. Underhand is not good for the arm, and it's better to learn overhand when you're just starting. For now try to stay at least 10-15ft apart. Just keep throwing the ball back to each other for a little while. Try to follow through and at the end of the throw your arm should be pointing at the person you are throwing the baseball to. Practice throwing like picture 3 and 4 with only your wrist now once you have done that for a while practice with your partner. Now put all the pictures together arm up wrist cocked back and end up pointing at your partner.
Now you know the basics of throwing.
Pictures 001.jpgPictures 002.jpgwrist ba 001.jpgwrist ba 002.jpg
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