
Samsung Galaxy S6 and Apple's iPhone 6

Admin 2015.03.27 18:02 Views : 3353

The curved aluminum edges, the placement of the volume and on/off buttons, the bumped-out rear camera and pretty much everything else about the Galaxy S6 is the same as the iPhone 6 -- right down to the fingerprint-sensor home button. If imitation is the highest form of flattery, Apple's design team should be blushing right now.

Samsung's oft-criticized design got a nearly complete reboot for the Galaxy S6. The new Galaxy is a beautiful phone that feels great in your hand. It is made of high-end Gorilla glass (no more plastic!) and metal (no more plastic painted to look like metal!). Gone are Galaxy trademarks, such as additional storage, a removable battery and waterproofing, but those are compromises worth making.

Though it's undeniably better than previous Galaxy S phones, there's nothing terribly original about the S6's design either. All smartphones kind of look like one another these days, but it's as if Samsung's team purposefully designed the Galaxy S6 to be an iPhone for people who hate Apple.

That's because when you turn on the Galaxy S6, you discover that the similarities to the iPhone are almost purely superficial. Inside, the new smartphone is pure Samsung. That means crazy features upon wacky tools upon whiz-bang tricks -- some of which are unbelievably stunning, and others that just get in the way.