

Real Estate Law 99

2019.05.16 21:10 Views : 113

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. List three examples of what a landlord must do to ensure the implied warranty of habitability. (Additional correct answers on page 37.)
    • Keep basic structural elements of the building, including floors, stairs, walls, and roofs, safe and intact.
    • Maintain all common areas, such as hallways and stairways, in a safe and clean condition.
    • Supply cold and hot water and heat in reasonable amounts at reasonable times.
  2. What is the monetary limit on what a tenant can deduct from the rent for a repair the tenant made?

    The deductions for repairs for any month may not exceed one month's rent. This is permitted only twice in any twelve-month period.
  3. How long is a “reasonable time” between when a tenant provides notice to a landlord and when a tenant actually makes repairs?

    A “reasonable time” in California statute is 30 days. However, a shorter time is warranted if the problem severely affects living conditions.
  4. What can happen if a landlord retaliates against a tenant who filed a complaint regarding unacceptable living conditions? 

    It is illegal for a landlord to retaliate against a tenant for filing a complaint or calling the health department. A landlord found guilty could face damages from $100 to $5000 depending on the specific situation.
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