
“We don’t have to guess how destructive a Joe Biden economy would be to the American people because we’ve already seen it.  When Joe Biden was in the White House we had depressed wages and stagnant job growth. His vote for the horrible NAFTA trade deal killed 850,000 jobs, and his sycophantic support for China closed 60,000 U.S. factories and sent 3.2 million jobs away from American workers directly to China.  President Trump’s policies have set in motion a super V in this economy which created more jobs in a four month period than any other time in history.  In fact, the President’s policies have already regained about half of the jobs lost to the pandemic, proving Donald Trump rebuilt this economy once, and he’s doing it again. Joe Biden’s proposal of  a $4 trillion tax increase on 82% of Americans would shutter that success.  His promise to give amnesty to 11 million illegal aliens would flood the recovering job market with competition, and his Green New Deal would kill 10 million jobs in the energy sector. As Biden hid from his horrific economic record and repeated his same weak, tired claims today, notice he still did not release his list of potential Supreme Court justices, as he promised to do back in June.  On the economy, on the Supreme Court, and on any other issue, Joe Biden is a prisoner of the radical, extreme, socialist left and he has now embraced and is pushing their agenda.”




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