

Quiz (1)

2019.02.27 23:00 Views : 279

1 of 10 - An examinee or licensee may perform what transactions on the DRE website?
Check test results.
Renew salesperson and broker license.
Obtain the current testing schedule.
All of the above.
You answered correctly
2 of 10 - Upon completion of this course, you should understand:
The facts regarding disclosure of commissions earned to all parties in a transaction.
Real estate taxes and special assessments.
Encumbrances, liens, easements and encroachments.
All of the above.
You answered correctly
3 of 10 - Which portion of the California Business and Professions Code consists of the Subdivided Lands Law?
Part 1, Sections 10000 to 10580 of the Business and Professions Code
Part 2, Sections 11000 to 11200 of the Business and Professions Code
California Civil Code, Section 2985 of the Business and Professions Code
None of the Above
You answered correctly
4 of 10 - Penny, a California licensee, has been advertising on the Internet. She specializes in the sale of upscale homes in the Hollywood Hills area. Penny has been violating the Business and Professions Code, Sections 10235.5 and 10140.6. What has she done?
Penny should not be soliciting her services to the residents of California.
Penny failed to indicate in the advertisement her license status.
The services she advertises do not include any actions for which a license is required.
None of the above.
You answered correctly
5 of 10 - Gerard, a Nevada real estate licensee, has been advertising his services online to California citizens. He sells resort property outside Las Vegas and believes the California market could be very lucrative. Is it permissible for Gerard to advertise in this manner? Why or why not?
It is not permissible for Gerard to solicit California residents. He must hold a California real estate license in addition to his Nevada license.
It is not permissible for Gerard to solicit California residents. State-to-state real estate transactions must be approved by the DRE.
Yes, it is permissible for Gerard to advertise his services to California residents. He is only advertising his services, not offering any advice. Therefore a California license is not needed.
None of the above
You answered correctly
6 of 10 - Is it permissible to advertise real estate associated services or products in California without a California real estate license?
No. All real estate related services or products must only be advertised by a licensed California real estate salesperson.
Yes, the Internet is a free commerce site. Any person may advertise whatever services or products they choose, as long as they are legal.
Yes, as long as the products or services do not include any actions for which a California real estate license is required.
None of the above.
You answered correctly
7 of 10 - Which of the following will not be covered in this course?
How to advertise on the Internet in other states
The mortgage market in California
Environmental issues and regulations in California
Voluntary and involuntary alienation
You answered correctly
8 of 10 - As an examinee, or a new licensee, where is the best, most accurate source for current California Department of Real Estate information?
Your Educator
Your Broker
The DRE website
All of the Above
You answered correctly
9 of 10 - California licensing laws define which of the following:
Real Estate Brokerage
Handling Trust Funds
Managing Escrow Accounts
All of the Above
You answered correctly
10 of 10 - Which regulation or section(s) apply to the use of the Internet for advertising in California?
Commission's Regulation 2770
Commission’s Regulation 007
Business and Professions Code, Sections 10235.5 and 10140.6
Both A and B
You answered correctly
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» Quiz (1) 2019.02.27 279
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