
[New Tech Trend - Ubiquitos & Internet of Things]

We have to understand these two words for getting better life in future.

According to every credible source we can find, there are almost 3 billion people connected to the public internet right now; by 2020 the number will approach 4 billion. According to Cisco, by 2020 there will be over 50 billion connected devices in the world. Some people like to call it the "Internet of Things," others call it "Machine 2 Machine" or "M2M." No matter what you call it, these are unimaginably large numbers of people and devices all connected.


전자제품, 특히 휴대전화 등을 쓰실 때, 분명히 충전기를 연결했는데도 충전이 안돼, 불편했던 경험 다들 있으실텐데요.
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