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10582 Katella Ave. Anaheim, CA 92804 <br>
Tel:(714) 774-9191 Fax:(714) 774-9192<br>
E-mail: gpfinance@gpusa.org / www.gpusa.org<br><br>
Supporter ID: <span style="font-size: 14px;">&P89_SUPPORTER_ID.
<span style="text-align:right;float:right;margin-right:25px;font-size: 14px;">Date: &P89_DATE. </span><BR>
Supporter Name: <span style="font-size: 14px;">&P89_SUPPORTER_NAME.
<span style="text-align:right;float:right;margin-right:25px;font-size: 14px;">&P89_E. Receipt No. &P89_RECEIPT_ID. </span><BR>
Missionary Name: <span style="font-size: 14px;">&P89_MISSIONARY_NAME.
<span style="text-align:right;float:right;margin-right:25px;font-size: 14px;"> &P89_EMAIL. </span><BR>
Received Amount: <span style="font-size: 14px;">&P89_RECEIVED_AMOUNT. <span style="text-align:right;float:right;margin-right:25px;font-size: 14px;"> Year Total: &P89_YEAR_TTL.</span> <BR>
<span style="font-size: 14px;">&P89_MEMO1. </span> <BR>
Thank you for supporting the world missions through Global Partners USA, a non-profit organization, established for <br>
sharing the world gospel. All mission donations are to tax deductions.<br>
There were no goods or services given in exchange for the donation.<br><br>
Global Partners USA를 통해 세계선교에 함께 해 주셔서 감사합니다. Global Partners USA는 세계선교를 위해 <br>
설립된 비영리법인으로써, 보내 주신 헌금은 선교를 위해 관리하고 사용합니다. 모든 선교헌금은 세금공제 대상이며 <br>
Global Partners USA는 헌금을 대신하여 상품이나 서비스를 후원자에게 제공하지 않았음을 알려드립니다.<br>
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Online support: visit <strong> www.gpusa.org </strong>click <strong>Donate </strong>.<br>
Smart phone: scan QR code on the left side.<br>
We greatly appreciate your support.<br>
후원자 여러분들의 사랑과 정성에 감사를 드립니다.</div><br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;font-size: 14px;">
No. | Subject | Author | Date | Views |
109 | FINAL TEST | admin | 2023.05.08 | 83 |
108 | GitHub.com/Oracle/APEX. | admin | 2023.05.04 | 111 |
107 | TEST | admin | 2023.05.03 | 105 |
106 | TEST | admin | 2023.04.28 | 168 |
105 | WHDR email address | admin | 2023.04.13 | 92 |
104 | TEST | admin | 2023.03.27 | 166 |
103 | GP 영수증 (3) -01/04/2023 | admin | 2023.01.04 | 86 |
102 | GP - 영수증 (2) | admin | 2022.11.07 | 107 |
» | GP 영수증 본문 | admin | 2022.11.07 | 89 |
100 | STARTUP | admin | 2022.09.01 | 152 |
99 | SQL Developer Password change / EXPORT & IMPORT | admin | 2022.03.18 | 229 |
98 | Forgot Oracle username and password, how to retrieve? | admin | 2022.03.18 | 174 |
97 | SQL DEVELOPER | admin | 2022.03.17 | 191 |
96 | How to Install Oracle 11g on Windows 10 - 64 bit | Download / Install Oracle 11g Database | admin | 2022.03.17 | 152 |
95 | QRCODE | admin | 2020.05.25 | 430 |
94 | JK | admin | 2019.02.05 | 751 |
93 | ACTION | admin | 2019.01.11 | 6564 |
92 | SELECT last_name FROM | admin | 2018.12.12 | 820 |
91 | IMP | admin | 2018.10.08 | 839 |
90 | CREATE TABLE | admin | 2018.09.25 | 549 |