

prohibit discrimination

2023.07.06 21:53 Views : 453

Both laws prohibit discrimination based on the following seven characteristics:

  • Race (including use of criminal history)
  • Color (often used with race)
  • National origin (country of one's birth)
  • Religion
  • Sex (physical differences between people who are male, female, or intersex; including sexual harassment; gender identity and sexual orientation are currently interpreted to fall within this category)*
  • Disability (also known as handicap; includes mental and physical impairments)
  • Familial status (families with children under the age of 18; pregnant women; senior housing exception).

FEHA adds the following 15 categories for California:

  • Ancestry (country of one's parents' birth)
  • Sexual orientation (regarding the gender one is attracted to; e.g., heterosexual, homosexual, pansexual, bisexual)
  • Gender (sometimes used interchangeably with sex; social and legal status set by society about behavior, characteristics, and sexual identity; includes male, female, and non-binary genders)
  • Gender identity (how one feels about their own gender; may or may not align with their assigned sex; e.g., transgender, cisgender, non-binary or genderqueer)
  • Gender expression (how one outwardly expresses their gender)
  • Marital status (e.g., married or unmarried persons living together)
  • Source of income (including Section 8 voucher recipients)
  • Veteran or military status
  • Genetic information
  • Medical condition
  • Citizenship
  • Primary language
  • Immigration status
  • Age (exception for senior housing)
  • Arbitrary characteristics
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