
What does an Of Counsel do?

admin 2022.01.09 18:49 Views : 775

What does an Of Counsel do?

Of counsels are attorneys who have a J.D. degree and must have a valid license to practice law in their state. They have extensive legal experience and often have specialized expertise. These roles require strong communication and client relations skills.

Of counsel is the title of an attorney in the legal profession of the United States who often has a relationship with a law firm or an organization but is neither an associate nor partner. Some firms use titles such as "counsel", "special counsel", and "senior counsel" for the same concept. According to American Bar Association Formal Opinion 90-357, the term "of counsel" is used to describe a "close, personal, continuous, and regular relationship" between the firm and counsel lawyer. In large law firms, the title generally denotes a lawyer with the experience of a partner, but who does not carry the same workload or business development responsibility.


Of counsels are lawyers who have an affiliation and working relationship with a law firm, but do not hold a staff title such as partner or associate. They provide legal advice and guidance, often focused in their particular area of legal specialization. They are often enlisted to provide legal expertise to a certain business division or department, or to advise executives and other stakeholders. They sometimes work as an independent contractor, often maintaining a part-time schedule or serving as an occasional consultant as needed. Payment structures vary by firm and may include equity or profit-based compensation.