
Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo

medwigs 2018.11.04 17:25 Views : 232

Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo

A new, cleaner formula perfect for all hair types!

Because we know it’s important to condition your scalp and hair during shampooing.

1 Bottle
Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo
  • pH-Balanced
  • Sulfate Free
  • 3 natural oils to soothe the scalp

We’re proud to feature our own Forever Essential Oils Lavender, which imparts a soothing fragrance, to help hair shine and support the scalp. We realize it’s important to condition your scalp during shampooing and not just waiting for the conditioner, that’s why we’ve created this new, moisture-rich formula!

Instead of having to rely solely on man-made sudsing agents, our favorite ingredient, Aloe Vera, naturally supplies saponins which help create a gentle lather. Get ready to have manageable, strengthened, full-bodied hair that will turn even more heads!

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