
First-Timer's Guide: Grand Canyon National Park

Gwe 2012.11.10 13:36 Views : 1963

View from Hermit's Rest of the Colorado River flowing through the Grand Canyon.


 Tourists to Grand Canyon National Park don't always have substantial ideas of where to start exploring its awe-inspiring vistas and natural geological formations. With about 277 miles of amazing depths and earthy colors and over 1,900 square miles of wilderness available for park visitors, narrowing down the options may be quite overwhelming to the uninitiated.
The South Rim and the North Rim

There are countless paths one can take to travel around the Grand Canyon. For first-timers, it is ideal to categorize the canyon into its two popular rims, the South Rim and North Rim.
Generally, the south side showcases shorter and steeper side canyons, while the north side hosts deeper and longer tributary washes and canyons. These primary differences are largely affected by the fact that much of the runoff on the plateau located behind the South Rim flows away from the canyon, while the runoff coming from the North Rim flows toward the canyon.
The North Rim's temperature is generally lower than that of the South Rim. The north's higher elevation also invites greater precipitation, which leads to more rain and snow. But overall, heavy rains are common on both rims during the summer season.
Accessibility and Recreation Options

For its more accessible routes, a wider array of attractions and activities, and year-round availability, the South Rim is often the preferred destination for many tourists over the more remote North Rim.
Apart from the very popular scenic driving opportunities around the South Rim, several recreational ventures are also available around the region. These include hiking, camping, mule riding, fishing, and star gazing. Nature walks and guided tours are favored activities in this side of the park, as well.
The North Rim is a more challenging choice typically meant for the more adventurous travelers, especially those who love wandering around the wilderness with a backpack. It is also popular for mule rides and river trips from the Grand Canyon to the Colorado River.
Transportation Options

Transportation options for the two rims vary. But for those who prefer to bring their own vehicles during their trips, both rims are readily accessible. The Trans-Canyon Shuttle, which regularly runs between the park's two rims once each day, is an alternative way to reach the two rims during a day trip. It takes about 4.5 hours to travel from the South Rim to the North Rim and vice versa.
The South Rim is open for the entire year. If checking it out between mid-May to mid-September, people can take advantage of the free and ticketless shuttle bus service between the Grand Canyon Village and the gateway community of Tusayan. Another option is to ride a Greyhound bus, which provides transportation from Flagstaff and Williams, Arizona, to other points across the country. Train service via the Grand Canyon Railway is accessible between Williams and the Grand Canyon Village. Another train service via Amtrak is available from Flagstaff to many other points nationwide.
Taxi service via the Xanterra South Rim operates in between the Grand Canyon Airport, a number of lodging spots and key establishments in Tusayan, and the Grand Canyon Village. Shuttle service is also available in many cities around Arizona. People can customize their itineraries and pickup times, which may be scheduled at flat or hourly rates.
If checking out the North Rim, which is open from mid-May to mid-October, it is important to note that the North Rim Village can only be reached by road, and no nearby airport or rail service is available in the area.
The Grand Canyon Shuttle Service can accommodate custom itineraries and pickup times for North Rim travelers, which may be scheduled at flat or hourly rates. The well-known Grand Canyon Lodge also makes it convenient for their guests to travel to the canyon through their shuttle service.

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