
Global pages

admin 2023.05.09 20:56 Views : 111


In Oracle Application Express (APEX), global pages are pages that can be accessed from anywhere within an application, and they are typically used to create shared components that are reused across multiple pages.

The following components can be created on global pages in Oracle APEX:

  1. Navigation Menu: A navigation menu can be created on a global page, and it can be used to navigate to different pages within the application.

  2. Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs can be created on a global page to provide users with a trail of links that shows the path they have taken to get to their current location.

  3. List of Values (LOV): An LOV can be created on a global page and it can be used to provide a list of values for a specific field on a page.

  4. Dynamic Action: A dynamic action can be created on a global page and it can be used to perform actions on different pages within the application.

  5. Shared Components: Shared components such as regions, buttons, items, and reports can be created on global pages, and they can be reused across multiple pages within the application.

  6. Global Variables: Global variables can be created on a global page and they can be used to store values that can be accessed across different pages within the application.

Overall, global pages in Oracle APEX provide a way to create reusable components that can be shared across multiple pages, making it easier to manage and maintain an application.

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