
임종석 고발건

2020.07.30 07:10 Views : 348

2019년 11월 7일 한국정부가 동료 어민 16명을 살해한 흉악범으로 몰아 강제북송 시킨 북한선원 2명이 실제로는 북한주민 16명을 탈북 시키려다가 북한 보위부에 체포될 위기에 처해 탈출했던 탈북청년들이었는데

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No. Subject Date Views
Notice Jon Voight: Pray Donald Trump makes a ‘comeback stronger than ever’ 2022.08.12 890
Notice America's Anthem 2020.12.27 936
456 Drive-in comedy shows are pulling into Irvine Improv 2020.08.12 74
455 Drive-in comedy shows are pulling into Irvine Improv 2020.08.12 79
454 Wartime Operational Control, WT-OPCON file 2020.08.12 93
453 Wartime Operational Control, WT-OPCON file 2020.08.12 86
452 Hong Kong people rush to buy copies of Apple Daily after owner Jimmy Lai's arrest under China-imposed security law. file 2020.08.11 77
451 Hong Kong people rush to buy copies of Apple Daily after owner Jimmy Lai's arrest under China-imposed security law. file 2020.08.11 85
450 Former Irvine Mayor Larry Agran Running for City Council file 2020.08.11 71
449 Former Irvine Mayor Larry Agran Running for City Council file 2020.08.11 69
448 Why nature conservation is necessary 2020.08.09 78
447 Why nature conservation is necessary 2020.08.09 67
446 Beirut Blast file 2020.08.05 90
445 Beirut Blast file 2020.08.05 1734
444 Make America Great Again file 2020.08.03 1848
443 Make America Great Again file 2020.08.03 41974
442 New Zealand pressuring South Korea to co-operate in diplomat sex assault case 2020.08.02 213
441 New Zealand pressuring South Korea to co-operate in diplomat sex assault case 2020.08.02 206
440 윌리엄 바 법무장관, '친중 기업들에게 경고한다.' file 2020.08.02 105
439 윌리엄 바 법무장관, '친중 기업들에게 경고한다.' file 2020.08.02 96
438 연방정부 지원 600불 연장 무산 file 2020.08.01 82
437 연방정부 지원 600불 연장 무산 file 2020.08.01 84
436 임종석 고발건 2020.07.30 327
» 임종석 고발건 2020.07.30 348
434 The City of Irvine to begin offering drive-up COVID-19 testing 2020.07.28 84
433 The City of Irvine to begin offering drive-up COVID-19 testing 2020.07.28 79
432 투자의 귀재 2020.07.28 76
431 투자의 귀재 2020.07.28 77
430 美 펜스 부통령, -백선엽 장군을 전쟁 영웅 그 이상으로 존경- 2020.07.27 52
429 美 펜스 부통령, -백선엽 장군을 전쟁 영웅 그 이상으로 존경- 2020.07.27 71
428 [중국의 바이오 테러] 중국→미국 배달 '정체불명 씨앗' 주의보 2020.07.27 91
427 [중국의 바이오 테러] 중국→미국 배달 '정체불명 씨앗' 주의보 2020.07.27 90