
Articles about Careers

SDI란 무엇인가?

CA 정부에서 주는 short term 불구 수당입니다. 하루 이틀 아파서는 신청할 수 없지만, 적어도 8일이상 아파서 일을 못 했을 경우에는 신청할 수 있습니다. 수술을 한 경우, 경과가 좋지 않아, 2~3주를 쉬어도 신청할 수 있으며, Dr. 소견서가 필요할 것입니다. 물론, Dr. 소견서에 4주간 쉬라고 하면, 회사에서도 4주안에 일을 시켜서는 안됩니다. 만약에 일을 시키다가 수술결과가 좋지 않게 되었다면, 그에 대한 Liability  문제를 져야 하므로, 가능하면, 의사의 소견서에 무조건 따라야 안전합니다.

일과 관련하여 다치면, Worker's comp insurance를 이용하여 처리를 할 수 있지만, 어느것이던 하나밖에 청구할 수 없습니다. Laid off 되면서 다쳤다 하더라도, UI (실업수당) 과 DI (불구수당)도 모두 해당한다 하더라도 2가지 다 신청할 수 는 없습니다.

What is SDI?


California State Disability Insurance (SDI or CASDI) is a statutory (state-regulated and state-audited) state disability program of the State of California for short-term disability income replacement. The program has been in effect since 1946.

자격조건등에 대한 자주하는 질문들을 아래에서 주의깊에 읽어 보세요.

How to File a Disability Insurance Claim

How to Apply

Disability Insurance (DI) provides services primarily by telephone, by mail, and in person. You do not need to apply in person to receive benefits. The online version of the DE 2501 may be filled-in and printed. To order claim forms, use the Request A Claim Form for State Disability Insurance Benefits or call 1-800-480-3287 or 1-866-658-8846 (En Español).

Instructions on How to Complete and File a Disability Insurance Claim:
General Instructions Additional Instructions
1. Carefully decide the date you want your claim to begin as this will determine your weekly benefit amount. Disability Insurance Claim Form
2. Complete ALL items on the “Claim Statement of Employee“ and sign it. Make certain that all information is complete and accurate since errors or omissions may cause your claim to be returned and may delay payment. Disability Insurance Claim Form

Instructions on Completing the Online Claim for SDI Benefits, DE 2501

Instructions on Printing and Completing the Disability Claim Form for SDI Benefits, DE 2501 – Manually
3. Doctor’s Certification: Ask your doctor to complete and sign the “Doctor’s Certificate” (page 3)

The following licensed health care providers are authorized to sign the Doctor’s Certificate portion of the DE 2501, for patients under their care and for conditions within their scope of practice:
  • Physician and Surgeon holding a M.D. or D.O. degree
  • Chiropractor
  • Dentist
  • Optometrist
  • Podiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Nurse midwife or licensed midwife (For normal pregnancy and childbirth only)
  • Nurse Practitioner (For all conditions within scope of practice. In order to certify disabilities other than normal pregnancy and childbirth, the nurse practitioner must perform a physical examination and collaborate with a physician and/or surgeon.)
Other individuals who can certify to a disability include:
  • Accredited religious practitioner
  • Registrar of a county hospital in California
  • Medical officer of a United States government medical facility
  • State or local health officer
Note: If a nurse practitioner is certifying a Claim for Disability Benefits for a disability other than a normal pregnancy or childbirth, he/she must complete, print and sign the “Nurse Practitioner Certification for Disability Insurance Benefits, DE 2509A” and attach it to the Claim for Disability Benefits, DE 2501.
Disability Insurance Claim Form

Nurse Practitioner Certification For Disability Insurance Benefits, DE 2509A
4. Cannot Complete Form: If you cannot complete the claim form because of your disability, or if you are an authorized agent filing for benefits on behalf of a physically incapacitated, mentally incapacitated, or deceased claimant, you will need to request the appropriate form(s) for your situation. Call 1-800-480-3287 for further instructions.
5. Religious Practitioner: If you are under the care of an accredited religious practitioner, you must include with your claim form a “Practitioner's Certificate, “DE 2502. Ask your practitioner to complete and sign it. (Rubber stamped signature facsimiles are not accepted.) Call 1-800-480-3287 to get a Practitioner's Certificate, “DE 2502”
6. Temporary Workers’ Compensation: If you are receiving temporary Workers' Compensation benefits and are filing for reduced DI benefits for the same days, the Doctor's Certificate is not required. None
7. Mail your claim to the DI office nearest to your residence no earlier than 9 days--but no later than 49 days--after the first day you became disabled. Mail your completed, signed “Claim Statement of Employee” together with the completed, signed “Doctor's Certificate“ and any other supporting documents. DI Office Locations

NOTE: The United States Postal Service (USPS) will not deliver mail to a private mail box (i.e., a mail box rented to you by a non-USPS commercial enterprise) unless it is preceded by the initials “PMB.”


FAQ – DI Eligibility


Who is eligible for State Disability Insurance (SDI)?
See Disability Insurance Eligibility.

Who does Paid Family Leave cover?
Employees covered by State Disability Insurance (SDI) are also covered by Paid Family Leave insurance. If a Voluntary Plan Insurer provides your company's disability insurance coverage (in lieu of SDI), then it must also provide Paid Family Leave insurance coverage.

I quit my job (or was laid-off) and now I’m disabled. Am I eligible for SDI?
It depends on your situation. To qualify for SDI benefits, you must be actively connected to the labor market, either working or looking for work at the time your disability begins. We encourage you to file a claim for benefits, even if you are unsure of your labor market status.

I work two jobs. Will my SDI benefits reflect both salaries?
Yes, if both employers deducted the SDI contribution from your paycheck. To ensure that we have correct information regarding both jobs, you need to tell us about them on your application form. You do this by listing the name, address, telephone number, and last day you worked for each employer.

Do I have to be working for a certain number of days/months/years to be eligible for SDI?
Eligibility for SDI is based on the earnings shown in your base period. The wages you earn approximately 6 to 18 months before the disability claim begins are included in the base period (they must have been subject to the SDI tax/contribution). Your base period does not include wages paid at the time your disability begins.

Can I collect SDI and Unemployment Insurance at the same time?
No. The laws governing the SDI program state that you are not eligible to receive SDI during a period of time for which you are eligible to receive Unemployment Insurance. For more information on California Unemployment Insurance Code, Section 2628, please go to the California law website.

I worked for the government for a couple of years. Can I collect SDI?
Perhaps. Some government workers, including school employees, may be entitled to SDI benefits as a function of collective bargaining. Also, if you have wages from a private employer during the base period, you might qualify even though your present employer is a local government entity. If in doubt, file a claim.

Will SDI benefits cover me if I have elective or cosmetic surgery?
Elective and cosmetic surgeries are covered by SDI. Your doctor must certify that you are disabled and cannot do your regular or customary job duties because of the surgery, and you must meet the basic eligibility requirements.

How many days must you be off work to receive SDI benefits?
Since every claim for SDI has a seven-day, non-payable waiting period, you must be disabled at least eight calendar days to collect benefits.



** 상기 내용은 무단 복제를 금합니다.

** 상기 내용에 따른 Liability는 본인에게 있음을 알려드립니다.


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5 What's the Minimum Wage in CA? 나는 Min Wage를 받고 있는가? 2011.11.27 367
» SDI - 몸이 아파서 직장을 못나가게 되었을때, 무슨 혜택이 있을까? 2011.11.21 457
3 Family/Medical Leave 임신/출산 혹은 아픈 가족을 돌봐야 하는데 직장을 안전하게 보장하며 쉴수 있는 방법이 있을까? 2011.11.21 586
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1 Worker's Comp Insurance 직장에서 다쳤을 경우 어떤 보상을 받을수 있을까요? 2011.11.19 575