[K-12 Learning English]
The most difficult challenge in helping children to adapt to their new lives in the United States is the very apparent issue of a language barrier. When families choose to move to the U.S. for various reasons, be it regarding job transfers or educational purposes, it is crucial that the school-aged children are able to adapt properly to their new environments.
There are many simple and basic concepts that can help with the adaptation process, but some of these methods require that the children themselves have a positive attitude towards their new lives. Whether or not a child has had previous experience in learning English, it will be a new and fresh experience for most of them to live in an environment surrounded by a new language.
Although written with K-12 students in mind, these concepts can be applied to anybody that has just moved to the United States.
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» | 캘리포니아에서 유명한 중등 교육 학교에 방문하여 이곳에서 배출된 명문대 인재와 교장선생님을 직접 만나보았습니다!! | Veritas Classical | 그냥감사 | 2023.04.24 | 537 |