- 2 whole Napa Cabbage
- 1 Cup of Salt
-10 Cups of Water
- 7 Tbsp of Anchovy Sauce or Fish Sauce
- 1 1/4 Cup of Crushed Red Pepper
- 8 Pieces of Green Onion
- 1/2 of a Radish
- 1 Whole Garlic
- 1 Piece of Ginger
- 1/2 of an Onion
- 1/2 of an Apple
- 1/2 of an Apple Pear
- 4 Tbsp of Sugar
- Slice Napa Cabbage into bite size pieces and put into a large bowl.
- Mix water and salt together and pour over cabbage.
- Let the cabbage sit for 2 hours.
- In a blender, combine the garlic, onion, apple, apple pear, and ginger together. Puree.
- Julienne the Radish and thinly slice the Green Onions.
- After 2 hours rinse the cabbage in cold water about 3 times.
- Combine all the ingredients together in a large bowl. (Rubber gloves recommended)
- Store the kimchi in room temperature over night and then keep in the refrigerator.
Thank you for watching Korean Cuisine and please let me know if you would like me to make a specific dish!
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